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In 2011, two great musical ensembles of Debrecen – the Kodály Philharmonic Orchestra and the Kodály Choir – were brought together under one roof: Kodály Philharmonia Debrecen, which, since then, has been coordinating the entire classical music life of the city under the guidance of director-art director Dániel Somogyi-Tóth.

The two major local classical ensembles, the Debrecen Philharmonic Orchestra and the Kodály Choir have been interconnected since 2005, as the Municipality of Debrecen, their maintainer, decreed. With the approval of Mrs. Zoltán Kodály (née Sarolta Péczely), the ensemble adopted the name Kodály Philharmonic Debrecen on October 1, 2011, as part of Kodály Philharmonia Debrecen.

In May 2011, Dániel Somogyi-Tóth was appointed director-art director of Kodály Philharmonia Debrecen. He created the new image of the Kodály Philharmonic, also – as head of the umbrella organisation of the two ensembles –, he is responsible for the coordination and development of the classical music scene in Debrecen. His duties include the revitalisation of synergic potentials inherent in the Kodály Philharmonic and the Kodály Choir, so that, in addition to the internationally acclaimed Choir, the Kodály Philharmonic Debrecen would receive greater space, recognition and acclaim in Hungary and even in the world music scene – to further Kodály’s mission with their name, art and work.


Dániel Somogyi-Tóth  - professional biography
General, Artistic director

Katalin Fekete
Operations Manager

Krisztina Rácz-Petykó
Financial Manager

Imre Kollár - professional biography
Chief Conductor - Kodály Philharmonic

Zoltán Kocsis-Holper
Chief Conductor (Choir) - Kodály Choir

Tibor Bényi
Permanent Conductor - Kodály Philharmonic

Gábor Káli
Permanent Guest Conductor - Kodály Philharmonic

Gabriella Farkas
Head of Artistic Administration

Judit Poncsák
Sales and Marketing Manager


Anna Bangó
Cultural Manager

Judit Cseh
Financial Administrator

Titanilla Dernei
Marketing Administrator

Szilvia Komádi
General Labour Associate

József Nagy
Stagehand, operator

Zita Edit Papp
HR Administrator

Lilla Kerekes-Polgár
Office Manager

Rozália Vass
Cultural Manager


További híreink

Augusztus 4-én a nagydíjas koncerttel és az eredményhirdetéssel zárult a 29. Bartók Béla Nemzetközi Kórusverseny, melynek nagydíját az Imusicapella érdemelte ki.

Szeretettel ajánljuk figyelmükbe Napló bérletünket, mely 9+1 felejthetetlen nagyzenekari koncertet kínál Önöknek!

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